Tobacco-free workplaces create a healthier and more enjoyable work environment for everyone. Comprehensive tobacco-free policies prohibit smoke, vapor, and all tobacco and nicotine use on company grounds, including indoor and outdoor areas. These policies provide health protections for employees, visitors, and the environment. WCPHP health educators can provide businesses and organizations support and resources to write and implement a policy.
Employer & Employee Benefits » » »
Reduced healthcare costs
Lower premiums
Increased productivity
Decreased absenteeism
Tobacco and Your Bottom Line
Over $6,000 spent on employees who use tobacco products annually.
Smoking Breaks: $3,077, Healthcare: $2,056, Sick Days: $517, Distraction at Work: $462
Tobacco Free Florida. Benefits to Quit Worksite Toolkit. (2015).
Five Steps to a Tobacco/Vapor Free Workplace
Start the Conversation with management, human resources, and your local health department.
Complete the assessment and prioritize a timeline for developing a written policy.
Review, revise, or develop a policy.
Provide cessation resources and support for insured and uninsured employees.
Counselling and FDA approved over-the-counter and prescribed medications.
Online and/or phone apps.
Refer employees to the Colorado QuitLine or 1-800-QUIT-NOW.
Update organization's benefits to be compliance with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA).
Continue to promote and improve your policy and benefits.
Fact: There’s a lot you don’t know about e-cigs. Like what’s in them and what are the risks? Good questions. Before you vape, be informed. Get informed here.