A Health Equity Graphic Novel

Our healthcare system only adequately serves a portion of our population. Inequities exist due to economic, social and racial injustices embedded in our society. This graphic novel, created by the Center for Health Progress, depicts the real struggle many Coloradans face in achieving good health status. Learn more here.


The WCPHP recognizes that health inequity exists within our region. Region 10 stakeholders identified priority populations including: early childhood and youth, elderly, immigrants, low income residents, LGBTQ, and geographically isolated residents.

The WCPHP uses the social determinants of health, a health equity framework, to address and attempt to understand health inequities in our populations as a means to increase health outcomes and access to care.

In order to improve health outcomes for our community, the WCPHP also recognizes that our priority areas must be addressed through the context of both health equity and health access.