Healthy Eating Active Living

Goal: Increase healthy eating and active living to reduce obesity and chronic disease.


  • Improve access to healthy foods through environmental strategies such as: breastfeeding friendly environments, community gardens, WIC and SNAP at Farmers Markets .

  • Increase knowledge and efficacy for healthy eating and active living through evidence-based programs.

  • Improve access to active living through pedestrian, bike friendly environments, recreation activities, and transportation.

  • Increase health equity advocacy to address healthy eating and active living.

HEAL Action Plan: Excel | PDF

Behavioral Health

Goal: Improve behavioral health outcomes including reducing suicide, reducing poor mental health days (reduce depression and anxiety), and reducing substance abuse.


  • Increase collaborative efforts across the region to build capacity for Behavioral Health efforts.

  • Reduce stigma associated with mental health and reduce substance use through community education, media campaigns and evidence-based prevention strategies.

  • Integration of behavioral health into primary care and other sites (Nursing home, Public Health, Dentists, Human Services, Alternative

  • Increase health equity advocacy and access to behavioral health

Behavioral Health Action Plan: Excel | PDF

Healthy Housing

Goal: Increase healthy housing throughout the region to reduce exposure to radon, lead, and poor quality well water.


  • Improve community knowledge of healthy housing practices such as testing and mitigation of radon, lead, and well-water.

  • Improve access to healthy housing through policies such as health-promoting building codes, enforcing housing codes, and incentivizing mitigation.

  • Increase health equity advocacy for safe affordable housing through participating in local and regional housing related groups and coalitions.

Healthy Housing Action Plan: Excel | PDF